Bill Gerton
For Love Of Art
Bill Gerton is an artist living in Frisco, Texas. His passion is in many forms of creative expression, including woodworking, sculpture, tile mosaic, and large-scale abstract painting. Born and raised in Colorado, he shares a legacy of artistic influences.
"When the cup gets too full, I paint, and then paint some more.
Then, the next day, after having slept, dreamed, drank, and the dogs have done who knows what......... I revisit the work, and inevitably, something on it's own has emerged, it exists independently and fights back at my attempts to "touch up" or start over.
It may sound strange, but it's like my paintings come through me, not to me. I don't get to keep them, none of them really belong to me. My paintings are something inside me that needs to be fought through. Yet, while painting, I find the struggle refreshing, freeing, and ultimately gratifying when someone comes along side me and says, "there it is, I've been looking for that one".